Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Soal UTS bahasa Inggris kelas 1 bag 1


               Bidang Studi                : BAHASA INGGRIS

               K e l a s                        : I ( SATU ) …..

               Nama                           : …………………………


I.       Choose the right answer ( pilihlah jawaban yang benar )


1.      Are you …… ( sedih )

         a. angry                                  b. happy                                          c. sad

2.      This is my ….. ( ibu jari )

         a. teeth                                   b. thumb                                         c. rose

3.      This is my …..clip_image001

         a. watch                                 b. umbrella                                     c. chair

4.      clip_image002          = …… Television

         a. one                                     b. two                                               c. three

5.      Do you like noodle ?

         “ noodle “ artinya …..

         a. gula-gula                           b. mie                                              c.kentang goreng

6.      What is this ? clip_image003

         This is a ….

         a. bird                                     b. girl                                               c. shirt

7.      I have a teddy bear

         “ Teddy bear “ artinya ….

         a. boneka berbi                    b. boneka beruang                       c. boneka gajah

8.      I like meatball. It’s yummy

         Yummy artinya ……

         a. pahit                                   b. lezat                                            c. manis

9.      What is the “ newspaper “ ……

         a. komik                                 b. koran                                           c. buku tulis

10.    “ Zoo “ artinya …..

         a. enam                                  b. kebun binatang                        c. halaman

11.    Are you angry clip_image004

         Angry artinya ……..

         a. sedih                                  b. marah                                         c. bahagia

12.    Sick bay artinya ……

         a. UKS                                   b. kantin                                          c. ruang guru

13.    This is my ……. ( tempat tidur )

         a. chair                                   b. table                                            c. bed

14.    A : where is your lunch box ?

         B : it is on the floor

         “ Floor “ artinya ….

         a. meja                                   b. lantai                                           c. dinding

15.    This is a …… ( bayam )

         a. potato chips                      b. chili                                             c. spinach


II.      Observe and match !


16.    Nurse                                     a. gula-gula

17.    Chili                                        b. gigi

18.    Funny                                    c. suster

19.    candy                                     d. rica

20.    Teeth                                      e. lucu


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